Price: £6.94

Model No: 5060446440438
Manufacturer's Part No: Hatch_loc50

These live locusts are a favourite meal for many lizards and are an excellent live reptile food as they are chunky and wholesome, and they can provide a staple diet for many of the larger reptiles. Very popular food for various Lizards including bearded dragons, Leopard Geckos, Frogs and Water dragons. By choosing to feed your reptile livefoods such as these locusts you will be promoting a natural hunting, stalking and waiting behaviour from your reptile which keeps him/her active and occupied and is more what they would be accustomed to in the wild. Locusts have some of the best nutritional value and this is down to the high vegetable gut content of this insect making them perfect for your pet.

All the live insects we produce are raised fresh on our farm and sent from us direct to your door. They are packed in a ventilated tub, with cardboard insert and feeding bran.
These tubs will stay fresh for approximately one week, for longer life place the locusts in a suitable well ventilated heated container 35C-38C and give fresh Greens and Bran every day

Quantity 50 per tub

Addition Information

Unsure which size you need?See our Livefood Sizes page
To ensure your livefood lasts as long as possible check out our Livefood Caresheet page