Wax Moth Larvae Galleria mellonella are a very nutritious livefood full of vitamins and minerals, these are excellent for feeding to very small reptiles and insect eating birds; they are also very good at getting reluctant eaters started. These may be a little on the expensive side but these Wax Moth Larvae livefood can make a much appreciated treat for your pet but be careful they can be quite fattening so don't overdo it. Very popular food for various Lizards including bearded dragons, Leopard Geckos, Frogs and Water dragons. By choosing to feed your reptile livefoods such as these Wax Moth Larvae you will be promoting a natural hunting, stalking and waiting behaviour from your reptile which keeps him/her active and occupied and is more what they would be accustomed to in the wild.
Approx 200-250 worms
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