Average rating based on 13 review(s)

Very impressive unfortunately my lizards weren't :( nothing wrong with them just not enjoyed by the bosses lol

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Look yuck to me but my hedgehog loves them

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My bearded dragon will not eat live locust unless they are in a cup. These are great for him. Not sure if they have the same nutrients as live. They do break up and bits of legs etc fly all over the place when cutting from frozen!

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These are brilliant, and my beardie has had no problem moving to these from things that actually move. This is a great price when you consider cost of live locusts BUT.... I have never, ever received anything like 50 in a pack. average is far closer to 35-40. Come on livefood UK, sell what you are advertising.

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Previously great however last purchase arrived slightly open and stinky (gone off?? so had to be binned)- I understand they need to be vaccum packed for freshness but do find them completely squashed into empty skeletons and juice- would be great if you could work out a way to vaccum/preserve them whilst still maintaining them intact. otherwise great product

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