Average rating based on 25 review(s)

Thank you for this product. I can't bear to kill crickets and need them to make up food balls for orphaned swifts. previously, I had to buy freeze dried crickets at great expense, so I really appreciate the vacuum packs.

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I am a relatively new Beardie owner. I just tried these for the first time with my 2 beardies. The female is a gannet and will eat anything, needless to say she loves them. The male is another matter, lately I've had problems getting him to eat even 2 -3 live locusts, which he used to really enjoy. I tried him with one of these and he immediately ate it and looked for more, even when dusted with supplements he loves them. Now I have discovered them I will stick to them, no more worrying whether I'll have enough live food to last over Bank Holidays etc.

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My beardie loves these and takes them straight out of the feeding bowl. They're also great value and they remove the risk of crickets escaping into the home. I pack them into small food parcels on the day of delivery, freeze the packs and then defrost a pack under a warm tap every morning ready for feeding. This takes seconds. I mix them up with some fresh veg and it's guaranteed that my beardie will eat all of them on each feed.

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my beardies love them, have to flick them round the viv a bit to get a response but as soon as they know they are food theyre gone in seconds lol

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Put into smaller bags to freeze, then only get out one bag a day as if left too long they go all hard. My bearded dragons love them.

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Great product

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